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Friday, November 12, 2010

Free Valid XHTML Blogger Template

For those of you who use blogspot as a host, you certainly are not foreign to the problem of validity of xhtml right?. Through the test using the w3 validator, I found a lot of error messages from the CSS code and also from the database. Many are not valid.

Sadly, I must say that the Blogger platform is not really friendly to search engine robots, and this will be a big problem if the invalidity is finally making blog is not indexed properly by search engines. With that goal, i decided to make a blogger template framework which is more search engine friendly to use.

What different ?

In general, this framework still has the same structure with the original of the bloggers, because I did not change their structure at all. What I did just replace some code that I found wrong, with a more valid code. And most of the problems that I found, is about a non-escaped code by Blogger.

But on the question of the navbar from blogger, I think there is no other way in making it valid. The only way to just delete it. This problem also happen in the Blogger comment form, so if we use a original form comment on the article page, then it is certainly our blog will not be valid.

In this case, I kept the original comment form. But I modify the code as much as possible, until the total error is reduced drastically to only have 2 errors only. What causes the remaining 2 of this error is the use of uppercase letters in database id Blogger. Hopefully the bloggers can quickly fix this problem.

This is a preview of the template structure :


( Click on the image below to see a live preview pages )


To check the validity of the XHTML templates, please visit www.validator.w3.org, and enter your blog URL address in the column provided.


Term Of Use

By downloading and using templates from us, then you agree with our definition of the rules. 1. "Valid XHTML Silver" is free to download.
2. You may not sell our templates to other people or other companies without permission from us.
3. You should not put the download link on another website or blog, please make a link to a web page we created for downloading our template.
4. You are allowed to modify some or all of the form template.
5. You can use our template for personal use or for company.
6. You are not allowed to remove a link to our web Credits in the footer of the template.

Click here to download

[ IMPORTANT ] Before installing, please read the tutorial first, via the link below :

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is XHTML ?

robo XHTML was developed to make HTML more extensible and increase interoperability with other data formats.HTML 4 was ostensibly an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML); however the specification for SGML was complex, and neither web browsers nor the HTML 4 Recommendation were fully conformant to it. The XML standard, approved in 1998, provided a simpler data format closer in simplicity to HTML 4.

By shifting to an XML format, it was hoped HTML would become compatible with common XML tools; servers and proxies would be able to transform content, as necessary, for constrained devices such as mobile phones.


By utilizing namespaces, XHTML documents could provide extensibility by including fragments from other XML-based languages such as Scalable Vector Graphics and MathML. Finally, the renewed work would provide an opportunity to divide HTML into reusable components (XHTML Modularization) and clean up untidy parts of the language.

Sample Post 5

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Template by : O-Zone Blogger Abstrak